Black History Month Employee Feature – Shawna-Kay Thomas

Q: What does a day look like in your life as Director, Corporate Communications & Culture? A: Generally, I try to get started before our daily sharing circles with the team, by catching up on things that may have come through after my working hours. On any given day I could go from checking in […]

Black History Month Employee Feature – Deidre Thomas

Q: What does a day look like in your life as a Communications Advisor at pipikwan pêhtâkwan? A: Not everyday is the same, which I like! After our invigorating morning team meetings, I go through my emails and run through my calendar for the day/week. I draft communications plans, copy for communications assets, assist with […]

Black History Month Employee Feature – Fafali Mawutor

In honour of Black History Month, we’re featuring the stories of Black team members. Meet Communications Coordinator, Fafali Mawutor.  Q: What does a day look like in your life as a Communications Coordinator at pipikwan pêhtâkwan? A: My working day usually starts with me attending our daily team check-ins/sharing circles. Once the meeting is done, […]

keeoukaywin – The Visiting Way

Recently, the engagement team at pipikwan pêhtâkwan spent some time hiking through Whitemud Creek with a number of community members and Elders. Bundled in our winter jackets, feeling our way across the trail, each of us was reminded of what it is to visit, to listen and to connect, not just with one another, but […]

Honouring our authenticity and agency

As Indigenous consultants, there can be a persistent feeling of imposter syndrome. This may be due to our immense sense of accountability and responsibility of working with and for our communities. Indigenous consultants may also feel being a part of the community gives us the positionality to advocate for and amplify the voices of Indigenous […]

Decolonizing Work – Benefits of Four-Day Workweek at pipikwan pêhtâkwan

"Here are four ways four-day workweek has been benefitting our team." Employees are able to schedule appointments, spend time with friends and family, and do absolutely nothing if they want. Many of our employees have felt the conventional five-day workweek made them feel rushed – forced to squeeze everything they want to do into every [...]

Tips for Halloween – Appropriation vs. Appreciation

You know what time it is! It’s time for a reminder not to be a jerk-o-lantern this Halloween. Here are some tips on how not to Halloween this year.  Prioritize relationship, engagement and consent  The line between appropriation and appreciation lies in relationship and consent. If you are engaged with the people of a particular […]

What does Truth and Reconciliation mean to you?

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is September 30, and the team at pipikwan pêhtâkwan reflected on what the day means to us. Reconciliation isn’t something we often discuss within our team interactions, though it’s embedded into the processes of our company structure. We don’t stop to think about, ‘how can we Indigenize our [...]