Sheena Moar

Social Media Coordinator

Sheena is a proud member of the Pinaymootang First Nations located in Treaty 2 territory, and is of Ojibwe and Métis descent. Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Sheena holds a Business Administration Diploma, a Digital Marketing & Social Media Certificate, and a Web Design Certificate from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). Her passion for the arts led her to study at the Alberta University of the Arts where she completed numerous graphic design courses. With a desire to lead a purposeful career and give back to her community, Sheena founded a thriving child care business inspired by her Indigenous roots. She has previous marketing and graphic design experience in the real estate and Indigenous consulting industries. When Sheena is not scrolling through social media feeds, you can catch her on the softball diamonds, golfing, escaping to the mountains, or getting lost in creativity while experimenting with different forms of art.