Rehmy Supernault

Engagement Intern

Rehmy Supernault was born in amiskwaciwâskahikan, also known as Edmonton. With family from Peace River and Pouce Coupe, British Columbia, he is a dedicated second-year social work student at NorQuest College. As a 24-year-old Métis man, Rehmy is actively reconnecting with his cultural roots, which were somewhat distant during his childhood. Raised by a single mother with four siblings, his upbringing instilled a passion for the community, intrapersonal social work, and a commitment to understanding and supporting diverse communities. Rehmy is deeply committed to personal growth and making a meaningful impact in the lives of others. He hopes to further his social work and psychology education to uplift Métis and Indigenous peoples the way he was by family and professional peers. For fun, Rehmy likes to play video games—specifically, RPGs are his favourite, but he’ll play anything fun—and draw in his spare time. He has a habit of getting highly engrossed in a game, only for his friends, family and partner not to see him for days, calling these moments; “Going caveman.”