Brian Golightly

Communications Manager

Brian Golightly brings insight and experience from a career spanning over 20 years in communications, research, strategic media analysis and forecasting in both the public and private sectors, as well as a second simultaneous career in public broadcasting. He brings to his work an informed understanding of the power of communication to create positive change and a lifelong conviction that shared understanding is both critically important and achievable. Brian comes from a settler background (Scottish and English, as far as he knows). He was born in Treaty 7 territory and raised by his adoptive parents in Treaty 6 territory in amiskwacîwâskahikan, or Edmonton, where he currently resides with his wife and where they are occasionally graced with visits from their adult daughters. Brian reads voraciously, plays music, writes, cooks, and continuously seeks to understand the current moment’s opportunity. He believes that respect and equity for First Peoples are necessary for the health of the land and of all people.